Below is a list of stores which carry our yarns. If you have any questions regarding which lines these stores carry, please give them a call at the phone numbers listed.
Pennsylvania Dyed In The Wool 3458 Babcock Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15237 PHONE: 412-364-0310 Website: www.ditwpa.com
The "EWE"nique Sheep 200 Commons Drive (inside Shop 'n Save) Dubois, PA 15801 PHONE: 814-372-2230
Forever Yarn 15 W. Oakland Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: 610-270-5184
Knit 1 @ Blacksmith Exchange 608 Grove Avenue Johnstown, PA 15902 PHONE: 814-361-2049
Knitting to Know Ewe 2324 Second Street Pike p.o. 370 Penns Park PA 18943 PHONE: 215-598-9276
Knit Wits Box 106 A Old Rt. 30 Greensburg, PA 15601 PHONE: 724-836-6922
Labadie Looms 2572 Old Philadelphia Pike Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 PHONE: 717-291-8911
Mad About Ewes 429 Market St. Lewisburg, PA 17837 PHONE: 570-524-5775
Rosie's Yarn Cellar 2017 Locust St. Phila PA 19103 PHONE: 215-977-9276
New York Knitty City 208 W. 79th St. New York NY 10024 PHONE: 212-724-9596
New Jersey Skein Attraction 500 Cedar Lane Teaneck NJ 07666 PHONE: 201-836-5648
Stix-N-Stictches 211 Glenridge Avenue Montclair NJ 07042 PHONE: 973-796-2860
Maryland All About Yarn LLP 8970-G Route 108 Columbia MD 21045 PHONE: 410-992-5648
Yarn Garden-Annapolis 2301-I Forest Dr. Annapolis MD 21401 PHONE: 410-224-2033
Michigan Artisan Knitworks 15222 B. East Jefferson Ave. Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 PHONE: 313-823-4132
Delaware Stitches with Style 16-E Polly Drummond Shopping Center Newark DE 19711 PHONE: 302-453-8130
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