The Basic Rider Course is the most popular of the two courses offered, it is designed primarily for beginning and inexperienced riders. All riders under 21 must successfully complete this course to obtain a motorcycle license or endorsement. Upon successful completion of the Basic Rider Course students are given a Certificate of Completion of Motorcycle Training (DL389). The motorcycle riding test given by the DMV may be waived with this certification. The course consists of 5 hours of classroom and 10 hours of on-cycle riding instruction. The training includes familiarization with the motorcycle, starting and stopping, riding in a straight lines and circles, weaving and offset weaving, shifting and turning, sharp turns, lane changes, controlling rear wheel skids, swerving to avoid obstacles, quick stops, cornering and much more.
The course is given over one weekend; 4hrs classroom friday evening, 8 hours saturday classroom and riding, and approximately 6 hours riding sunday.
Cost of the class is: Under 21 years of age $150.00, over 21 years of age $198.00